Volleyball Drills - Warm Up
Set the tone of your practice with a great warm up
Nothing sets the right tone for your upcoming training session like an interesting and efficient warm up. Getting your players attention right form the start of practice is the key to more success as a coach. But what makes a good warm-up? The right exercises of course!
Warm ups are the ideal opportunity to start working on the topics of the day. You can incorporate foot work drills, technical or even tactical focuses in your warm up drills. With our volleyball drills designed by sports scientists and certified coaches, you can start right away on the training ground!
Volleyball warm up: Limited 3 v3
Set Up:
3 versus 3 on full court. Coach and ball cart next to the net.
Each team has only two ball touches to get the ball across the net.
Allowed: Set, pass & dive
Not allowed: Tip, swing or jump.
Rotation: Player who plays ball across the net becomes new middle back.
Change limitations: Ball touches, allowed and not allowed techniques.
Passing warm up: Simple in & outs
Set Up:
Needed for one set up: 1 cones, 4 balls, 8 players. Set up a cone in the middle of the half court. Have 4 receiving players line up there (See drawing). Line up a setter in each corner of the half court - Each setter with a ball.
The blue reception players start the drill by shuffling from the middle to the outside. The red set player then tosses the ball at a low angle. The blue reception players dig and shuffle back to the middle and give the other player a high-5 at the cone. 60 seconds then switch tasks.
Volleyball warm up: Star drill
Set Up:
All player line up in half court, coach on the other side of the net Place a ball cart with enough balls next to the coach.
This drill is perfectly suited as a warm-up drill or to improve foot work and digging technique. The coach always has a ball to be able to toss it for players to dig. All players perform the drill at the same time (rhythm is important):
Stay in a low position - always ready to receive a ball.
The star drill covers all 8 angles. Players perform a 1, 2 or 3 step shuffle to position and come back to base.
Start with forward right.
Example: Forward right, back to base, right, base, back right, base.
Warm Up: Shuffle drill
Set Up:
All player line up in half court, coach on the other side of the net Place a ball cart with enough balls next to the coach.
This drill is perfectly suited as a warm-up drill or to improve foot work and digging technique. Coach signals direction the players need to shuffle to. The players then take 2-3 shuffle steps to this direction and remain in position ready to receive a ball. The coach always has a ball to be able to toss it for players to dig. Directions: Front, back, left, right and all 4 diagonals. Vary speed of drill Use help of assistant coaches to toss more balls to players