40 Ways to Score by Football Coaching Lab
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With our affiliate program you can easily and without any obligation become a advertising partner. We offer you a 40% share of all PREMIUM products. We also support you in your process of developing partnerships by providing you with information, knowledge and digital marketing tools and products.
✓ 40% revenue share
✓ Monthly payments to your account
✓ Access to current advertising media such as social media posts, banners, coupons, QR codes and more
✓ You are your own boss: determine your own advertising campaigns. There are no requirements.
Become an Affiliate now!
Login with our affiliate program and you can start right away.
We use the iDevAffiliate provider with over 15 years experience.
How it works
1. Free registration with our affiliate program
Click on “become a partner” and log in to iDevAffiliate. The registration is free and without any obligation .
2. Introduce yourself
We want to get to know you briefly and clarify some formal matters. This usually takes just a few emails before we can verify you for our Affiliate program.
3. Log in and get started
After the confirmation you can start with our affiliate program. We will provide you with various promotional materials and advise you in optimizing your advertising campaigns.
4. Integration of various advertising media
There are several ways for you to earn money. You can integrate links to your website, place a banner or promote us via Facebook or Twitter. Here you find all available marketing materials.
We are here for you and we will help you with any questions!
5. Earn money In your
iDevAffiliate personal account, you can accurately track your leads and sales. Our affiliate tool is 100% transparent, you can see your traffic in real time. Payments are standardized on a monthly basis.
See your whole training plan on one place
Access to more than 9000 free exercises
Fast training plan on all devices
Creating animations, exercises, training plans and personalized tactics
Team management
Training sessions and follow up exercise: evaluate player performance and keep track of attendance records
Everything is stored digitally – no notes and training plans getting lost anymore
Professional season planning
Plan ahead and set your training focus
Manage your teams and always keep track
Use the calendar for effective weekly, monthly or even annual planning
Optimized for effective teamwork
Save time with, the most effective training planner
Holding managers, players, parents and assistant coaches up to date
Co-working with your coaching staff
What is a affiliate marketing ?
Affiliate systems are web-based sales distributions in which generally a commercial provider remunerates its partners through commissions. The product supplier provides these advertising tools, which are used by the Affiliate on his/her web page.
E. Lammenett: Praxiswissen Online-Marketing. GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden 2006, S. 23ff., ISBN 978-3-8349-0273-3
What is a sale?
A sale is the successful selling of a product. For a sale is the referral and consequent transaction of a paid Premium membership. Here you can find all the information about prices.
What is commission?
The commission is the remuneration for a successful achievement of a previously agreed-upon target. For we reimburse according to the principle of pay per sale (PPS). If a coach completes a premium membership, the affiliate receives the agreed-upon percentage (usually 40%) credited into his account.
The Affiliate Program
Who can participate in the Affiliate Program?
Basically any person or company can participate. Even if the person does not have a website, it is possible to advertise for us with special promotional materials. However, we recommend the following languages, as the likelihood of a successful sale is much higher: German, English, Italian, Spanish and Czech.
Do I need a website to participate?
No, we also provide offline promotional materials. Through Coupon or QR-Codes coaches can be advertised without an Internet connection.
What are my advantages?
The advantages are pretty obvious. You earn money with every subscription you initiated.
Does participating cost anything?
No, participation is completely free. We carry the charges of using the Affiliate tool iDevDirect.
Which obligations do I have?
You have no obligations. It depends on you, how and when you use promotional materials.
Which promotional materials are available?
Social Media
Text/ Content Ads
Video (YouTube)
Do I have to be a member of in order to participate?
No, you don’t have to. However, we advise to know the functions of, so you know what you are trying to sell. You can register for free and try for 30 days. Register here
Helpful Tips for Successful Advertising
How do I integrate promotional material in my website?
We have all the advertising material ready for you. iDevAffiliate will create a HTML code, which you can copy directly onto your website.
Where should I place my links? (For website operators)
We recommend to place the links or other advertising material visible on your website in order to increase traffic and consequently sales. The homepage or any other relevant subpage are suitable. For any questions please contact our support
How do I generate a Coupon Code?
If you need a Coupon/Discount-Code please send us an email to We will send you one immediately to your email-address.
When is the best time to advertise through Social Media?
Social media is a science in itself. For ideal results you should know at which time your friends and followers are most active. Depending on the subject, time or day could be very relevant. However, for training topics we recommend the days from Sunday through Thursday during 11:30am to 2pm or in the afternoon from 4:30pm onwards.
Can I conduct Email Marketing?
We highly recommend doing so, as you can directly communicate with friends and refer us.
Commission and Payment
How will my initiated sales be measured?
We use a tool called iDevAffiliate. This company has 15 years of experience in the measurement of leads and presents them in a transparent and independent way for you. Through so-called tracking codes and cookies your mediated users are automatically tracked and marked and directly assigned to you.
Will I also participate if a user becomes a member at a later date?
Yes, as users are assigned your referral ID we can monitor them for a unlimited period. If a membership is completed, you get the commission.
How can I check my renumeration, my referrals and statistics?
Please log into your account at with your login details to review these.
When will I be compensated?
Currently, you will be compensated as soon as you refer someone who then subscribes as a Premium member. Here you can find prices to different memberships
How will I get paid?
Payouts only happen via PayPal. You will need a PayPal account to receive your remuneration. If you don’t have one already, you can easily create a Paypal account for free.
How high is the compensation?
Compensation is 40% of the value of a membership.
When will I get paid?
You will get paid once a month – as soon as your credit reaches 100€.
Legal Obligations
Can I terminate my participation at any time?
You can cancel your involvement at any time without a reason. All outstanding payments will be paid in the last billing month.
Do I have to register a business in order to participate?
Please contact a tax office in your area to find information applicable to you.