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Our Season Break Fitness Plan
Another long season has finally come to an end. All your players spent large amounts of energy and all they really want is a break, not only physically but also psychologically. In order to prevent starting your new season’s training with players of a low athletic level, we would like to give you some advice on how to keep players fit during their well deserved summer break. You can download the season break fitness plan in the bottom.
The challenges of a season break
Use this little fitness plan as a handout for each team member as a guideline on how to maintain a basic athletic ability. First of all, it is important for your players to recover from all injuries, carried throughout the season “biting the bullet”. Let your players know that this break is a big resource of time and a great chance to heal the bodies.
Our suggestion, for those wishing to keep fit, is that it is important to utilize all activities they are able to do, like running, long distance walking, cycling or swimming. Try to encourage your players and emphasize that any kind of recreational sport activity is good for them.
"Injured players should focus on their individual plan and not take on any counterproductive training"
Our season break fitness plan
We have put together a simple training program for all healthy players which can be done by themselves. We suggest to practice the exercises in this plan at least two times a week, while strengthening the upper body (abdominals, back muscles, arms, shoulders) on the remaining days. Some suggestions for simple but effective upper body exercises include: planks, crunches and push ups.
Please see this plan as a suggestion that you can share with all your athletes, feel free to adapt the intensity and duration to the fitness level of your team. If you’d like to create your own session plans then check out our training manager and create a new session.
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