Handball - Throwing drills
Shooting drills to increase scoring efficiency
At the end of a game it all comes down to the numbers on the scoreboard. How many goals did your team score is half of what matters. To make sure that your team comes out on top it is important to practice throwing skills in every training session. In fact most professional handball teams involve the element of shooting in more than 3/4 of all their drills - It might even be the most important skill of all in handball. Now when you decide to work on your player's throwing and shooting abilities there are many details you can focus on. Especially the amount of throwing techniques in Handball is not to be underestimated - Spin shot, Kempa, Fly shot, Jump shot, Running Shot, Underarm Shot, Stem Shot - It is a long list of shooting and throwing drills you can incorporate in your session plan. To make sure you always use the best shooting exercises for your handball team, we have gathered some examples for you. They work on a great variety of skills that your players need to master if they want to develop into great players.
As with most other handball moves that are so key to the skill set of a player it is important to pay attention to the details. How is the arm moving, which direction is the palm facing, how much spin is put into the shot. There are many influencing factors that hopefully all contribute to the end result - The ball being successfully thrown into the goal. Besides great accuracy the arm strength of your handball players can influence the outcome of a throw. The best shooting drills can improve all those facets of a handball throw. And if you are looking for some throwing exercises that you can use for your next training session, we recommend you to use our app and create your private handball database. All your favorite drills in one spot - available for your upcoming session plan.
Inside our Handball coaching app, you can not only access exercises, but also analyze your teams training performance and optimize your coaching overall. Make sure to sign up now and test the best handball online software for free!
Shooting challenge - Intense throwing technique drill
Set Up:
Have a look at the exercise drawing to get an idea of the set up. Set up station A&B diagonally from each other in the corner of the baseline. Place two boxes with balls at midfield. Between Free-throw line and pivot set up a target zone with 4 markers. Divide players into two teams and line them up at station A&B. 1 Goalkeeper per goal.
The first players of stations A & B start with a sprint to the ball box, take a ball and dribble towards the target zone. They finish against the goalkeeper from within the target zone. If player misses the shot s/he has to go back to the ball box and grab another ball and try to score again. Each player has a maximum of 3 attempts - if they still have not scored they have to run back to the station. Players have to high-5 at the cone before the next player can start. This drill offers a great opportunity for a practice competition: Which team is first to score 5 goals?
Pass & Finish for back-court players
Set Up:
Set up the drill on both sides of half the court - See drawing: Station A for the Center Back (CB), station B near the sidelines for Left Back (LB) / Right Back (RB) - Approx. 5m in front of the 9m line. CBs line up at station A with a ball each - Players without ball go to station B. Per set up you need a defender at the pivot and a goalkeeper.
Have a look at the handball drill animation inside our coaching app. The center back (CB) starts the drill with a pass to the player at station B (LB). Both pass the ball for a total of 3 times. The defender at station C (RI/LI) moves with the ball and tries to keep offensive players from finishing. After the third pass LB can try to finish in 1v1 with the defender or to pass the ball back to CB. If CB can't finish as well, he plays the ball back to LB, who can now finish without the defender. Following the same execution on the right side.
Counter attack - Cross from right to left and shot
Set Up:
See the exercise drawing to get an idea of the set up - This is a full court drill. Set up station A in the middle of the free throw line. Station B on the right corner of the free throw line and station C on the left corner of the free throw line. Place one cone 2m inside of the left sideline at the height of the center line as an orientation for C. Create a target zone for player B at the height of the free throw line, by placing a cone on the sideline and another on the free throw line. Players line up equally at all three stations - Balls to station A - Goalkepper in the goal.
A starts the drill by dribbling for approx. 3m. B starts running on the sideline simultaneously. A then plays the first pass to B about 2m in front of the center line. At the same time player C starts running on the left side of the field. B dribbles for approx. 3 steps then passes back to A. A plays the last pass to B into the corner field. B pretends to attack the goal and plays a cross to the approaching player C at the height of the free throw line. C receives the ball and immediately finishes against the Goalkeeper. The player rotation of this drill is as follows: A -> B - > C -> A -> B ...etc. You can see the full drill animation in our coaching app
Catch & Throw - Shooting against passive defender
Set Up:
Set up two throwing / shooting zones between free-throw and goal-area line. Set up a cone square between midfield and free-throw line as shown in drawing. Players with ball line up at cone A. Two pass players at B & C. A defender lines up between both throwing zones. Goalkeeper inside the goal.
A starts the drill by passing to B. A follows his/her pass and runs around B. B immediately passes to C. A continues running a curve around B, working his/her way to the middle. C passes to A who catches the ball on the run. After the ball has been caught by A, the defender decides on defending one of the two throwing zones. The attacking player A reacts and dribbles into the empty throwing zone, finishing against the Goalkeeper. As soon as player A throws it becomes the next players turn For variations and an animation of the drill click on the link below.