Handball - Passing Drills
Passing drills for a high scoring handball attack
To almost any great goal or throw you see, there is an even better pass before that. Be it a side pass, bounce pass, high, low or even a hand-off - There is nothing that improves your attack quite like a good passing game. That's why the best passing drills for handball should be part of your next session plan. To maximize the potential of your training session it is important that all of your players get a higher number of repetitions with the ball to develop these fundamental skills. So having a ball for at least every two players is recommended when practicing your team's passing skills.
Another important concept that handball coaches need to emphasize, is that players should learn the different techniques step by step. For absolute beginners for example it is best to start with passing drills, that allow them to just stand in one spot with a short distance to the next player. This will enable the player to focus on aiming the pass and not having to calculate passing trajectories while being on the move. Once they have mastered a basic overhead pass, they can continue to add other passing techniques to their repertoire, such as a side or bounce pass. As a next step those variations can be practiced with both players on the move, followed by drills against passive and later active defenders. This will allow attacking players to gradually improve their passing game. This concept is fundamental for handball coaches and can be used for all positions equally, no matter if it's goalkeepers, wing, pivot, back or inside players. And if you are looking for drills that aid you in coaching that way, then you have found the right app. Our handball exercises have been designed by sports scientists and will help you to get the most out of your teams.
Inside our Handball coaching app, you can access all drills and compose training session plans with them. Don't wait any longer and take your coaching to the next level!
Cross, Pass & Finish drill - 5v2
Set Up:
Set up two airbodies as inside defenders near the pivot. Two players (pivot) of the attacking team line up in front of the air-body. Place two cones approx. 3-5m outside of pivot players. Three players (Center Back - CB, Left Back - LB, Right Back - RB) of the attacking team line up between the 9m line and the middle line. CB is in possession of the ball. Two additional defenders line up
CB passes the ball to RB - The Center Back (CB) follows his on pass for a pick. RB catches the ball, dribbles around CB toward the middle, then passes to LB. The left back (LB) plays a bounce pass to the waiting pivot player who receives the ball and rolls away from the defender (airbody) to finish.
Pass technique: Passing on the move - Slalom
Set Up:
Place 2 cones/poles approx. 2m apart from each other. 3m in front, place a third cone as the passing station. The passing player (yellow) lines up at the third cone, with a ball. The active player (blue) lines up in between the cones/poles.
The blue player starts the drill by shuffling (slalom) - shoulders show to the front, inside out through the cones. When passing the cone he receives the pass from the yellow player and immediately passes back. The drill continues the same way. Start with simple overhead passes, then start varying the passing and catching techniques.
Shooting Drill on two goals
Set Up:
Place two cones 5-7m apart approx. 2m in front of the 9m line. Attacking players (red) will line up on both stations. Two (passive) defenders line up near the goal area line. The first player on station A is in possession of the ball.
First attacking player A jukes and dribbles toward the 7m line. As player A approaches the 7m line, player B starts with an outside juke move, then moves into the middle, where he receives the side pass from A. B then also moves towards the 7m line, then side passes to the next player from station A Defenders (blue) are mainly passive. You can see a handball animation of the drill in our coaching app.
Technique - Passing on the move (Triangle)
Set Up:
Place 3 cones/poles approx. 2m apart from each other in a triangle. 3m in front, place a fourth cone as the passing station. The passing player (yellow) lines up at the fourth cone, with a ball. The active player (blue) lines up on the first cone/pole of the triangle.
The blue player starts the drill by running from the first cone/pole to the left of the two front cones. When passing the cone he receives the pass from the yellow player and immediately passes back. He then back paddles to the first cone, then sprints to the right cone. The drill continues the same way. For variations and an animation of the drill click on the link below.