40 Ways to Score by Football Coaching Lab
Get 40% off only until 10 March, 2024

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Set the standard
as a digital association

Coaches development and quality management in associations is becoming digital. Time for you to join in. helps your association to maximize efforts on and off the pitch.

Few of the teams & associations collaborating on

Your App - Your Features

Take full control of your data

Individuality and quality management are highly important in an association. That's why our app can also be used in the official branding of your federation and on your own servers. Logo, colors and even features can be adjusted to your individual ideas and needs, so that the digitization within the association can be implemented with 100% satisfaction.

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Quality Management

Establish digital structures

How should an exercise be instructed? Which coaching points are important? With our app, instructors can provide content to your "future generation of association coaches" and thus support them in their development. Each course can be managed individually and provided with digital learning resources that fit the specific requirements

Selection Teams

Optimize player development

In addition to the digital coaches development, all the teams of your association can be equipped with memberships. Thus, the highest standard in managing clubs and developing teams tactically can be achieved. In order to comprehensively implement association philosophies, the clubs can be provided with drills and sessions plans through our platform.

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Optimized Collaboration

Improve your association's workflow

Creating efficient workflows can be challenging, especially in sports associations. Find out 8 ways in which our current partners are already improving their daily work, with all hands on deck.

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Create Drills

Create an exercise database for you and your clubs with the most advanced online editor.

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Manage Certifications

Share knowledge and optimize the organization of all your coaching certification courses.

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Plan Your Sessions

Find all individualized plans for all your training sessions. Safe and secure, all in one place.

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Organize Matches & Camps

Manage your game days and training camps and keep track of all developments.

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Manage Teams

Manage, train and develop all of your selection players to take them to the next level.

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Player Scouting

Got eyes on a player? Create customized scouting reports and improve your team.

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Organize Members

Manage all of your coaches, staff & players and take your federation to the top.

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With, everyone in your federation contribute to your success.

Association App

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, in your association version you can manage all your selection teams, and keep track of your player's development and overall performance.

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Of course! This is the core of what the app is about: Collaboration for more efficient management in sports clubs and associations.

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Yes, through's unique features and permission concept, you and your association's top coaches can create drills, that can be distributed to all your clubs, This enables all coaches in your association to improve their session planning and increases the quality of player development in your association.

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Yes, depending on the package you decide on, all of your club's can obtain access to all of's premium features.

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Yes! A so-called white-label solution of the app is quickly launched on your own dedicated servers and branded based on your visual identity. Even custom features can be developed if you wish.

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Yes, as part of the association subscription, we will onboard you and explain all the features and possibilities. On top you get to test your app for an agreed length before we sign a partnership contract.

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